Monday, October 13, 2014

Avon Gel Finish nail polish - Roses Are Red

Zdravo svima! Danas vam predstavljam moj trenutno najomiljeniji crveni lak za nokte! U pitanju je lak pod nazivom Roses Are Red iz Avon Gel Finish kolekcije :) Nastavite sa čitanjem kako biste videli još sličica i pročitali moje utiske ;)

Hello everyone! Today I'm going to talk about my current favourite red nail polish and it is called Roses Are Red from Avon's Gel Finish collection :) So continue with the reading if you want to see more pictures and read my thoughts on it ;) 

Generalno sam oduševljena lakovima iz Gel Finish linije i nisam imala problema ni sa jednim koji sam do sada probala. Konkretno ova boja je savršena crvena koju bi svaka žena / devojka trebalo da ima, jer je klasična i pogodna za sve prilike :) 
Četkica je standardna, lepo se maže, formula je onako taman, ni previše retka ni previše gusta. Na slikama imam 2 sloja, bez nadlaka. Takođe je jako postojan, nosila sam ga 7-8 dana i nije bilo krzanja, bela linija nokta tek što je počela da se nazire. I da, sviđa mi je i sjaj, koji je karakterističan za sve lakove iz ove kolekcije i nokti izgledaju kao da ste upravo izašle iz salona ;)

I'm very satisfied with the polishes from the Gel Finish collection in general and I haven't had a problem with any from this collection so far. This particular colour is that perfect red which any woman / girl should own, because it's classic and appropriate for every occasion :) 
The brush is standard and I didn't have problems with the application. The formula is somewhere in the middle - not too runny, not too thick. Here I'm wearing 2 coats, without top coat. It also lasted for 7-8 days, without any chipping and you could barely see the nail line. And yes, I really like its shiny finish, which is characteristic for all the polishes from this collection and it gives your nails that I-have-just-got-out-of-the-nail-salon look ;)

Na sledećoj slici možete videti kako lak izgleda sa gel nadlakom (Avon nail experts gel strength base & top coat) koji imam na srednjem prstu i mat nadlakom (Miss Sporty Check Matte top coat) koji imam na domalom prstu.

In the picture below you can see how it looks with a gel top coat (Avon nail experts gel strength base & top coat) which I'm wearing on my middle finger and also with a matte top coat (Miss Sporty Check Matte top coat) which I'm wearing on my ring finger.

Kako se vama dopada? :)
Do sledećeg puta,

How do you like it? :)
Until next time, 


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